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Robert Fitzroy

Robert de Caen

Robert Rufus

1st Earl of Gloucester

Son of The King

Our Ancestor


We have TWO lines from Robert de Caen


Father: Henry I, King of England


         or Nest ferch Rhys

Born: Before 1100

Place of Birth: Caen, Callvados, France.

Titles: 1st Earl of Gloucester (c1120)

Occupation: The Consul & Founder & Benefactor of Churches & Abbys.

Died: 31st October 1147


Wife: Mabel FitzHamon, daughter of Robert Fitzhamon, Lord of Tewkesbury

& Sibyl Montgomery



NB: Red ones are our lineage


William Fitz Robert, 2nd Earl of Gloucester- m- Hawise (Mabel)de Beaufort- their daughter Mable Fitzrobert 3rd Countess of Gloucestershire

( our ancestor)
Roger of Worcester
Hamon of Gloucester
Mabel FitzRobert m. Aubrey de Vere

Maud of Gloucester, Countess of Chester
Philip of Gloucester
Richard FitzRobert Sire de Creully


Richard FitzRobert, Bishop of Bayeux d. 3 April 1142
Mabel FitzRobert- m-Gruffudd ap Ifor Bach, Lord Senghenydd , their son Hywel "Felyn" ap Gruffudd Lord Senghenydd

( our ancestor)

Robert FitzRobert d. 1170 m. Hawise de Reviers.
Father of Thomas

Who was


1st Earl of Gloucester's mother?


She is legally unknown.

She is said to be either Nest Princess of Deheubarth or the daughter of Rainald Gay of Hampton Gay or possible Sibyl Corbet, Lady of Alcester.

What is know is that he is the eldest offspring of Henry I, that being so it is unlikely his mother was Sibyl, as she was his 5th mistress. Whereas, Roberts mother must have been his first 'concubine, as Robert  was born before Henry became king and the mother was his first sexual encounter.Princess Nest was around at this time in the royal court being held hostage by Henry's brother William Rufus, King of England at the time. William is the 3rd son of William The Conqueror and Henry is the 5th son. Date wise, Robert is said to be born before 1100, Nest was the royal hostage from 1093 and Henry would have been 25 years old having been born in 1068. All these factors and that we can know nothing much about  'the daughter of Rainald Gay', points to quite possibly Nest being Roberts mother, although not acknowledge by her, but  for that to be so,they would have had to carried on their sexual relationship after she was released from being a hostage. oOn the other hand, Roberts mother quite possibly could have been from a brief encounter with the 'miss Gay, in around the year 1199?


HENRY I------------------- NEST ferch RHYS

 King of England               Princess of The Kingdom of Deheubarth, Wales

                                     or  SIBYL CORBET ( Heiress)

                                          lady of Alcester, Warwickshire, Pontesbury and Woodcote, Shropshire.                                      or   Daughter of Rainald Gay of Hampton Gay, Oxfordshire


          Son- ROBERT de CAEN FITZROY-------------------------m--------------MABEL FITZHAMON
         1st Earl of Gloucester                                                     Daughter of Robert, Lord Tewkesbury


Legitimate Line:


1.    Son-WILLIAM FITZROBERT------------------------- m---------------HAWISE de BEAUMOUNT

       2nd Earl of Gloucester                                                                        Countess of Gloucester


      Daughter- MABEL  FITZROBERT-------------------m-------------PEIRRE de SUEUR

      Daughter- * SARA le SUEUR


Illegitimate Line:

ROBERT de CAEN1st Earl of Gloucester ------------------- An unknown Mistress

2.   Illegitimate Daughter-MABEL '' Maude'' FITZROBERT---m------------GRUFFUD ap IFOR BACH

                                              A 2nd 'Mabel'                                             Lord Senghenydd,

Legitimate Son- HYWEL ''Felyn'' ap GRUFFUD-----  m----- * SARA le SUEUR( Le Sore)

                             Lord Senghenydd,

 Legitimate Son- LLEWLYN ap HYWELL------------------------m----------------?
Legitimate Daughter- CATRIN ferch LLEWELYN---------------m------------HENRY de CAMEIS

Legitimate Son- * EDWARD de CAMEIS

Elizabeth Beauchamp , the grandaughter of William Longespee, 3rd Earl of Salisbury,

Henry I son; she marries  * Edward de Camies ( Later generations change surname to Keymess),who's lineage goes down to the family line of Thomas Houchon Lucas ( whos lineage originates from France The Comte Guerin Durandonnat Lucas de Chateau Neuf ),  the line marries into the line of John Stocking and then to  Rev William Fosbroke's grandaughter who marries a David Lewis, and their daughter marries Samuel FARMER,

my fathers gt gt grandfather.


( the authors surname and family FARMER)

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©L R Farmer 2016

aka Countess Palatine of Burgundy ( 2016)

COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: I do not own the images, video's or the music used on this website.

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T he Countess Palatine of Burgundy

( 2016), resides in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and is a loyal subject of Her Majesty

The Queen of Great Britain, Ireland

and the British Dominions beyond the Seas, who is also

The Defender of The Faith.


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