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T he Countess Palatine of Burgundy, resides in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and is a loyal subject of Her Majesty

The Queen of Great Britain, Ireland

and the British Dominions beyond the Seas, who is also

The Defender of The Faith.

The Queen and I

Here you can see the common ancestry between my family and our current Monarch

Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain


All Rights Reserved on this website.

©L R Farmer 2016

COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: I do not own the images, video's or the music used on this website.

All such material belongs to their respective owners. In addition some historical information was sourced by internet websites and as such I have tired to site these sources.

Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use", including non-profit, educational or personal. No copyright infringement intended .

HOWEVER: I do own the assembling of the information on my personal ancestry and family lineage and the photos of immediate family members and the website's design features.

As you can see, if you have studied my family tree the Queen and I share the lineage of The House of Wessex and The House of Normandy.

Where we part company

( genealogical speaking)

is where ,although we both share Henry II, The Queen is from the legitimate line through his wife Eleanor of Aquitaine.

( Even though she was a divorced woman before marrying Henry, therefore by the Church laws, her marriage to Henry illegitimate )

Whereas, my line comes from his mistress, Countess Ida de Tosny.

So although, we do share lineage ( Bloodlines)

the lines are very very distant.



Name: King Duncan of Scotland
Father: Crinan, Abbot of Dunkeld
Mother: Bethoc, daughter of Malcom II

Relation to Elizabeth II: 27th great-grandfather
House of: Dunkeld
Born: c. 1001
Ascended to the throne: November 25, 1034
Married: Sybilla, c. 1030
Children: three sons including Malcolm III and Donald III
Died: August, 1040, either murdered by Macbeth or killed in battle against him near Elgin.
Buried at: Isle of Iona
Succeeded by: his cousin Macbeth

Duncan (Donnchad mac Crínáin) was the son of Crinan, the Abbot of Dunkeld, and Bethroc daughter of Malcolm II. He was the first of the House of Dunkeld.

For more Infromation see this website

Source of this Tree

God Save The Queen - Instrumental
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All Rights Reserved on this website.

©L R Farmer 2016

aka Countess Palatine of Burgundy ( 2016)

COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: I do not own the images, video's or the music used on this website.

All such material belongs to their respective owners. In addition some historical information was sourced by internet websites and as such I have tired to site these sources.

Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use", including non-profit, educational or personal. No copyright infringement intended .

HOWEVER: I do own the assembling of the information on my personal ancestry and family lineage and the photos of immediate family members and the website's design features.

T he Countess Palatine of Burgundy

( 2016), resides in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and is a loyal subject of Her Majesty

The Queen of Great Britain, Ireland

and the British Dominions beyond the Seas, who is also

The Defender of The Faith.


'The Countess Palatine of Burgundy ( 2016)' and this her website is NOT involved in  or affiliated nor even interested in racism or discrimination or anything affiliated  with this.

This will NOT be tolerated in this website community.

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